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Thematic Evaluations

NDB’s Fast-Track Support to the COVID-19 Emergency

The Independent Evaluation Office has completed the first Thematic Evaluation of the NDB-financed COVID-19 Emergency Program Loans to Brazil, China, India, Russia and South Africa, each of USD 1 billion (or equivalent) in 2020 and 2021. The Bank targeted up to USD 10 billion in crisis related assistance, including support for economic recovery.

The NDB was one of the first multilateral development banks to provide financial support in response to the COVID-19 emergency, and the organization was commended for its agility and promptness to support countries in responding to a crisis of an unprecedented global nature. The evaluation was particularly timely to assess results and draw lessons, also in light of the global attention to crisis prevention, preparedness and response.

For any further information, contact the Director General of IEO at


Project Performance Evaluations

Renewable Energy Projects and Associated Transmission

The Independent Evaluation Office has completed its first Project Evaluation of the NDB-financed Renewable Energy Projects and Associated Transmission in Brazil. This project was selected for evaluation also considering that it was the first non-sovereign operation financed by the Bank, an operation of USD 600 million, which included a USD 300 million loan by the NDB. It was approved by the Board in April 2016 with the objective to ensure a reliable and sufficient electricity supply to meet Brazil’s future demand while expanding capacity through renewable energy sources. The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) was the co-financer of the project and responsible for its overall implementation.For any further information, contact Henrique Pissaia, Principal Professional Specialist at


Madhya Pradesh Major District Roads Project in India

The Independent Evaluation Office has completed its first Project Evaluation of the NDB-financed Madhya Pradesh Major District Roads Project in India, which was approved by the Board in November 2016, with the objective of improving the state’s connectivity of the current rural interior and achieving a larger coverage of the national and state highway It has disbursed more than 90% of Bank funding (US$ 350 million) for a total project cost of US$ 500 million including US$ 150 million from the Government of the State of Madhya Pradesh. It is a sovereign operation.


Luoyang Metro Construction Project

The Independent Evaluation Office has completed its first Project Evaluation of the NDB-financed Luoyang Metro Construction Project in China. The project was approved by the NDB Board of Directors in July 2018, for a total project cost of USD 2,775 million. NDB financed US$ 300 million of the total costs. The objective of the project was to reduce traffic congestion in Luoyang and to improve the city’s overall mobility, accessibility, and connectivity, through construction of the city’s first underground metro line.

For any further information, contact the Director General of IEO at


Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction and Energy Sector Development Project

The Independent Evaluation Office has completed its first Project Evaluation of the NDB-financed Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction and Energy Sector Development Project in South Africa. The project was approved by the NDB Board of Directors in June 2018, for a total project cost of US$ 600 million. NDB financed US$ 300 million of the total costs. This is a non-sovereign operation with the Development Bank of South Africa as the borrower of the NDB financing. The objective of the project was to facilitate investments in renewable energy that will contribute to power generation mix and reduction in CO2 emissions in South Africa, in line with the South African Government’s Integrated Resource Plan 2010 and its target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions as articulated in the National Development Plan 2030.

For any further information, contact Chao Sun, Senior Professional at


Project Completion Report Validation

Evaluation Synthesis

Preliminary Experience in Establishing NDB On-the-Ground Presence: The Role of Regional Offices

NDB set up four regional offices and centres (ROCs) in the first seven years of its operations. This evaluation synthesis report (ESR): (i) captures the initial experience and lessons in setting up of the NDB ROCs for strengthened on-the-ground presence (including how they compare against the practices of peer organisations); and (ii) highlights issues that require NDB Management attention for the way forward.

ESRs focus mainly on learning and knowledge generation, and less on performance assessment. Thus, this ESR – the first ever ESR undertaken by IEO – has not made use of traditional evaluation criteria, nor assigned ratings, in its analysis. Instead it highlights broad topics and issues that merit attention for the way forward.

For any further information, contact Chao Sun, Senior Evaluation Professional at


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