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Development Impact for Our Member Countries

We constantly enhance our capacity to meet the demands and challenges ahead – with the goal of financing infrastructure and sustainable development projects that catalyse a green recovery, and cultivate balanced, inclusive economic growth. We strive to bring a positive, long-lasting impact on the communities of our member countries.

Clean energy and energy efficiency
Transport infrastructure
Water and sanitation
Environmental protection
Social infrastructure
Digital infrastructure

At a Glance

In alignment with the development objectives of our members and their commitments under the SDGs and the Paris Agreement, NDB prioritises high-impact operations that are climate-smart, disaster-resilient, technology-integrated and socially-inclusive.

Total amount of financing approved (USD)
32.8 billion
Total number of projects approved
17,000 km
Roads to be built or upgraded
Bridges to be built or upgraded
Housing units to be constructed
1,390 km
Water tunnel/canal infrastructure to be built or upgraded
CO₂ emissions to be avoided
13.2 million tonnes/year
Renewable and clean energy generation capacity to be installed
2,800 MW


Amount of approvals has been translated into USD using exchange rates as of December 31, 2022.

Expected development results are presented for selected projects financed by NDB in collaboration with partners, irrespective of the proportion of the Bank’s financing in the total project cost. The numbers are rounded, and are based on the information available at the time of approval

209,000 m³/day
Drinking water supply capacity to be increased
635,000 m³/day
Sewage treatment capacity to be increased
290 km
Urban rail transit network to be built
Schools to be built or upgraded


Amount of approvals has been translated into USD using exchange rates as of December 31, 2022.

Expected development results are presented for selected projects financed by NDB in collaboration with partners, irrespective of the proportion of the Bank’s financing in the total project cost. The numbers are rounded, and are based on the information available at the time of approval


Project Statistics

As of December 31, 2022

Project portfolio by type of operation
Project portfolio by country
Project portfolio by area of operation
Project portfolio by currency
Social Infrastructure
2 July 2024
Transport Infrastructure
21 June 2024
Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency
21 June 2024

Environmental and Social Sustainability

At NDB, we have a strong commitment to sustainability and development impact in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our strategic objective is to mobilise funds for projects that generate positive economic, social and environmental benefits for BRICS and other EMDCs, as well as bridging the financing gap to achieve the SDGs.