Capital Structure & Subscription
NDB has the initial authorised capital of USD 100 billion, which is divided into one million shares that have a par value of one hundred thousand dollars each.
NDB’s founding members made an initial subscription of five hundred thousand shares totalling USD 50 billion, which include one hundred thousand shares corresponding to a paid-in capital of USD 10 billion and four hundred thousand shares corresponding to a callable capital of USD 40 billion.
The initial subscribed capital was equally distributed amongst the founding members.
Membership of the Bank is open to members of the United Nations.

Note 1: Total may not add up as figures are rounded to the nearest second decimal place.
Note 2: All five founding members have fully paid their paid-in capital. Bangladesh and UAE have fully paid their first, second and third installments of paid-in capital. Egypt has fully paid its first installment of paid-in capital.
Note 3: Non-founding member countries listed in alphabetical order.