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Past Events

42nd Meeting of NDB’s Board of Directors, Dubai, UAE
28 Nov 2023
Independent Evaluation Stakeholders’ Seminar
7 Nov 2023
Visit of the President of the Argentina to NDB Headquarters
17 Oct 2023
Visit of the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to NDB Headquarters
10 Sep 2023
Meeting with H.E. Ms. Delcy Eloína Rodríguez Gómez, Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
6 Sep 2023
IEO at Asian Evaluation Week 2023
11 Sep 2023
NDB at the 15th BRICS Summit
22 Aug 2023
IEO Event: What Are the Key Collaborative Arrangements Needed to Generate Influential Evaluations?
2 Jun 2023