IEO is jointly organizing a conference with (IDEAS) from 4-6 March 2025 in Rome (Italy). The main objective of the event is to unite international development practitioners, policy and decision-makers, academics and researchers, and evaluators, with the aim to share experiences, propose innovative approaches and actions for promoting greater global prosperity and sustainable development. More specifically, the 2025 IDEAS-NDB conference is entitled ‘Multi-dimensional Evaluation for Influence and Transformation’, and has as its goal to facilitate a multi-stakeholder dialogue on how evaluation can play a more influential role in contributing to transformational change. This dialogue is expected to occur in plenary sessions as well as panels and round tables around strands on relevant themes. For more detailed information please consult the concept note which outlines the objectives, scope, approach and intended audience of the conference. Around 300-400 persons are expected to attend from all continents including representatives of the BRICS and NDB member countries.
Further information may be found at the IDEAS Conference website, including the programme.
IEO contact person for the Conference is Linda Danielsson, email: