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Nanping’s health sector is facing multiple challenges. The first challenge is inadequate healthcare resource. Per 1,000 population, the number of medical technicians and medical personnel ranked 6th and 7th respectively out of the 9 municipalities in Fujian. Secondly, Nanping has only one Grade A tertiary hospital – Nanping First Hospital (“NFH”), whose capacity is currently overloaded. Moreover, NFH is not easily accessible due to its location far away from Nanping’s center.
To address the above challenges, Nanping municipal government has proposed to develop a new hospital – Wuyi New District General Hospital (the “Project”). The Project will be built as per the standards of a Grade A tertiary hospital and will serve as a new campus managed by NFH.
The Project comprises: (i) expansion of Grade A tertiary hospital care. This component will encompass construction of an outpatient building, a medical service building, an infection clinic, an inpatient building with 600 beds, and ancillary facilities; and installation of medical equipment; (ii) regional medical center for critical chronic diseases treatment. This component will include construction of an inpatient building with 600 beds, a nuclear medical center, an integrated administrative, research and training building, a conference hall, and ancillary facilities and installation of key equipment for diagnosis and treatment of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and cerebrovascular diseases; (iii) construction of a comprehensive hospital information system to enhance patients’ experience and facilitate hospital’s daily operations.; (iv) project management support.
The Project will have a design capacity of 1,200 beds to meet the demand of patients with common medical conditions and also have a focus on critical chronic diseases, such as cancers and cardiovascular diseases. Furthermore, the Project will also be equipped with training and research facilities for medical education, which are also much needed in Nanping.