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Pará Sanitation Development Project – PRODESAN Pará Lagos

Brazil Brazil
Area Of Operation
Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation

Quick Facts

Concept Approval Date
24 April 2024
Proposed Limit of NDB Financing
USD 50.0 million
The State of Pará
Project Implementing Entity
Sanitation Company of Pará

More About This Project

The Belém Metropolitan Region (BMR) comprises the state capital of Belém and six adjacent municipalities and contributes to about 20% of GDP and 29% of population of Pará despite occupying only 0.4% of the state’s area. Development of public service infrastructure has lagged population growth of the region. Belém and Ananindeua (the two largest municipalities of BMR) have a sewerage service coverage ratio of only 17.1% and 30.2% of their population, with the percentage of total sewage treated in relation to water consumed of only 3.6% and 4.5% respectively. Most sewage is collected in septic tanks which puts groundwater sources at a risk of contamination. Also, open sewage streams discharge in water bodies contaminating them and leading to increased cost and reduced efficiency of water treatment.

The Project aims to safeguard and recharge water sources providing supply to BMR by implementing sewage collection and treatment network in neighborhoods surrounding the water bodies and carrying out preventive and corrective environmental control actions to restore the water bodies. It also includes a component for institutional strengthening and innovation that aims to enhance the capacity of Sanitation Company of Pará as well as resolve strategic issues facing the water and sanitation sector in BMR using technological solutions.

The Project outputs are expected to translate into the following Project outcomes: (i) increase in sewerage service coverage; (ii) reduction in water distribution loss in the two sectors in central Belém; (iii) reduction in operating costs for water intake cleaning; and (iv) reduction in the proportion of sludge discharged in landfills.