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Madhya Pradesh State Highways Improvement Project

India India
Area Of Operation
Transport Infrastructure Transport Infrastructure

Quick Facts

Financing Approval Date
19 December 2024
Current Limit of NDB Financing
USD 490.00 million
The Republic of India
Project Implementing Entity
Madhya Pradesh Road Development Corporation Limited

More About This Project

Madhya Pradesh, located in central India, is the second largest state in the country by area. Madhya Pradesh is a landlocked state and hence surface transportation is the backbone for industrial, tourist and socio-economic development. More than 50% of the state highways (SHs) are still single to intermediate-lane and need to be upgraded to at least double-lane, to meet growing traffic demand.

To address this challenge, the Government of Madhya Pradesh (GoMP) has designed the Project which will enhance transit through existing and planned industrial corridors and improve connectivity of agricultural areas with national highways.

The Project will support widening and reconstruction of SHs road sections with a total length of about 877 km in Madhya Pradesh to at least double lane road.

The Project will promote climate resilient infrastructure development and follow sector’s best practices, including testing new materials in road construction, improving road safety aspects of SHs network, and implementing pilot initiatives in development of wayside amenities infrastructure for the SHs network.

The Project aims to benefit more than 12 million population, providing safe and enhanced road connectivity to more than 650 social, economic, and educational centers.

The Project implementation will take place in five years. The Project will be implemented by the GoMP through Madhya Pradesh Road Development Corporation Limited (MPRDC) which will be responsible for overall planning, execution and achievement of the desired results.

NDB loan will finance procurement of civil works, goods and services contracts, in compliance with the country and state level procurement guidelines, as well as with the core principles of NDB Procurement Policy.

The Project has been categorized as Category A in accordance with the NDB Environment and Social Framework (ESF). The main environmental and social impacts and risks may include diversion of forest land to non-forest use, cutting of roadside trees for road widening, land acquisition for realignment and safety improvements, potential involuntary resettlement especially for non-title holders and encroachers, impact on indigenous communities, deterioration of existing road and associated safety risks. These impacts and risks will be addressed and mitigated through updated technical designs following good engineering practices, site-specific environmental and social management plans, development and implementation of a resettlement framework and Environmental and Social Impact Management Plan to ensure compliance with ESF.

The Project will be financed through loan from New Development Bank and counterpart funds from GoMP.

Source of Fund Amount
NDB USD 490.00 million
GoMP INR 17.59 billion
NDB Borrower Project Entity
Public Sector Department

Mukund Kumar

The Republic of India

Prasanna V Salian


Gopal Singh