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Integrated Sewerage System for City of Imphal (Phase II) Project

India India
Area Of Operation
Water and Sanitation Water and Sanitation

Quick Facts

Financing Approval Date
26 October 2023
Current Limit of NDB Financing
USD 115 million
The Republic of India
Project Implementing Entity
The Government of Manipur

More About This Project

Imphal metropolitan area is the largest urban area in the state of Manipur. The city has been experiencing rapid growth not adequately supported by the respective urban infrastructure, including sanitation facilities. Currently, only 11 municipal wards (areas) of Imphal out of 27 are covered by a sewered sanitation system. In other areas, households rely on use of septic tank facilities for sanitation purposes. In the absence of a sewered sanitation system, wastewater generated in these wards gets discharged into Imphal and Nambul rivers through open drains. As a result, water quality in the drainage network as well as in the receiving river segments is unacceptable as per the Central Pollution Control Board water standards. The Project is essential to address the issues of inadequate sanitation coverage and river pollution, and to improve the quality of life of residents of Imphal.

The Project will develop and upgrade the existing sanitation system of the city and adjacent peri-urban areas through construction of sewerage treatment plants, sewerage pumping stations and a network of sewer pipelines, and thus provide sewerage services in areas of Imphal not yet covered by sewered sanitation system.

The Project includes Information, Education and Communication activities to increase awareness among the population about the significance of sewerage system as a safe and hygienic way of disposing wastewater, augment readiness to pay monthly tariff for contributing towards sustainable O&M of the sewerage system, and ensure overall improved citizen participation and ownership.

The Project also includes capacity building activities, such as developing a detailed GIS based network map of sewerage system, trainings for sanitation workers and supervisory staff, and strengthening laboratory testing capabilities.

The Project aims to provide integrated sanitation services in Imphal, which will improve quality of life of residents through better hygiene conditions and enhance water quality of Imphal river. The Project will result in enhanced sanitation coverage (100% household access to sanitation system in Imphal) leading to improved health and hygiene of residents; reduced pollution and increased conservation of Imphal river; and enhanced institutional capacity in the State to provide water and sanitation services.

The Project will primarily contribute to United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 Clean Water and Sanitation, specifically target 6.2 (achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all). It is also aligned with SDG 3 Good Health and Wellbeing through its cascading affects.

The Project is estimated to be implemented over 4 years. The Government of Manipur will be the Project Entity and will implement the Project through its Public Health Engineering Department. Contractors for the Project will be selected through a competitive and transparent bidding process.

The Project has been classified as Category B in accordance with the NDB Environment and Social Framework.

The main E&S risks arise from excavation of roads in the urban area of the city to lay sewers and the associated traffic disruptions, interruptions of municipal utilities and businesses, occupational and public safety during construction, and odor problems from pumping stations and sewerage treatment plants during operation.

These impacts and risks will be mitigated by implementing the E&S Management Plans and the E&S Impact Management Plan prepared for the Project.

The Project will be financed through loan from NDB and counterpart funding from the Government of Manipur.

Source of Fund Amount
USD 115 million
The Government of Manipur INR 3,421 million
NDB Borrower Project Entity
Indian Regional Office

Bindu Madhab Panda

Ministry of Finance of Government of India

Dr. Prasanna V. Salian

The Government of Manipur

Shangreiphao Vashumwo