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BoCom Financial Leasing LNG Transportation Project

China China
Area Of Operation
Transport Infrastructure Transport Infrastructure

Quick Facts

Financing Approval Date
29 August 2024
Current Limit of NDB Financing
USD 150 million equivalent
Bank of Communications Financial Leasing Co. Ltd.
Project Implementing Entity
Bank of Communications Financial Leasing Co. Ltd.

More About This Project

China aims to reach a peak in its carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. As a cleaner alternative, natural gas has become an important substitute of coal, given its significantly lower emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants. Increasing liquified natural gas (“LNG”) transportation capacity is critical for the country as demand for natural gas has grown significantly. New LNG carriers will enable the country to meet increased demand.

The borrower is one of the leading companies in aircraft and shipping leasing in China and a wholly owned subsidiary of the Bank of Communications.

NDB has approved a loan to Bank of Communications Financial Leasing Co. Ltd. (“BCFL”) to acquire at least three large scale LNG carriers powered by the low-pressure dual-fuel propulsion system with capacity to transport 174 thousand m3 of LNG each. LNG carriers will meet all necessary environmental and safety standards of the International Maritime Organization.

The Project will add new LNG transportation capacity for import of LNG to China. The Project is primarily aligned with SDG 7 to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. The Project also indirectly contributes to Greenhouse Gas emissions reduction which will be achieved via supply of LNG for domestic consumption and substitution of coal, thereby in line with SDG 13 “Climate Action”.

NDB loan will be provided to BCFL. BCFL will be the lessor of the vessels with lessees being ultimately majority owned by Chinese LNG importers.

The Project has been categorized as Category FI-B in line with NDB’s Environment and Social Framework. BCFL has established an Environmental and Social Management System (“ESMS”) to assess and manage the E&S impacts and risks. E&S screening, due diligence and monitoring of LNG carriers will be carried out by BCFL’s respective client managers. The potential adverse E&S impacts and risks of the LNG carriers will be managed and mitigated through the application of the BCFL’s ESMS and ensuring compliance with the requirements of the IMO, as well as the implementation of an Environmental and Social Impact Management Plan, agreed upon with NDB.

Source of Fund Percentage  
NDB 25%
Other Sources 75%
NDB Borrower and Project Entity
Private Sector and Non-Sovereign Guaranteed Transactions Department

Jingjing Han

Siyu Li