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Jaqueline Rabelo
Communications and Outreach Coordinator, Independent Evaluation Office

Jaqueline Rabelo, a national of Brazil, joined IEO as Communications and Outreach Coordinator in 2022. She is an experienced communications professional who has worked for multilateral organisations including the independent offices of evaluation of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

Her experience covers different areas of communication: from the design and quality control of communications products produced (including newsletters, content, publications, press releases for media, infographics, videos, website, and related content), high-level event management, and social media campaign management.

From 2014 until March 2020, she worked within the IFAD’s Independent office of evaluation, as a Communication Specialist. From 2018, she independently led the communication unit and engaged with civil society and other stakeholders such as internal Bank staff and international organizations across the world. She coordinated the production of more than 30 publications. The role reinforced her conviction that engaging a wide range of diverse stakeholders is crucial for building partnerships and ensuring visibility as means of effective communication.

She has also worked as Research Analyst on Developing Training Dataset for the development of the tool on Artificial Intelligence for Development Analytics.